So, Here I am once again attempting to update the blog.. on a regular basis. I seem to have extreme difficulty doing that. Notice how my last posts started before Christmas and then died after that? I guess I run out of things to write; Mexico is only exciting for so long. But then again there is always some new crazy thing that you would only see in Mexico when we go into town. I should really start an Only in Mexico photo album and post it on here.
Okay, so you wanna know what I have been up to lately. And I hate to break it to you, but it was probably the same as the last time I told you. YES I AM STILL DOING SCHOOL WORK!! For too many hours everyday. Seriously.. I'm pretty sure teachers have this contest on how ridiculous they can make an assignment. Like this week for example, I have to make a kind of " Visual Essay"( or at least that's how I've managed to interpret it) about this disturbing book I had to read, called Lord of the Flies by William Golding. I don't highly recommend this book. I think it might have only fallen into the 'that book was okay but a little strange' category if I didn't have to analyze the heck out of it. Also I think this William Golding guy may have some mental issues....:S.Oh well I will probably get a good mark on the assignment because I don't know what I'm doing and I will just ramble on... kinda like I'm doing now.....
I think everyone is finally in a Christmas mood. I woke up this morning to Christmas music... then I realized it wasn't us, it was Phil!!!! I was so happy until I realized that his Christmas music can be just as annoying as all his other music. I think I even heard two people tell.. no yell to him that they liked his music. AHH I swear it got louder each time he was told. Although I must say that I am considering catching Phil singing Frosty the Snowman on camera, along with Heidi dancing and singing at karaoke. I could get rich off these people!!! No that's not nice... however it would be rather funny.
So not only is everyone in a Christmas mood, it looks Christmasey around here too. People have started to put up lights and trees. We of course decorated ours way before everyone else, but that's normal for us. The other day my mom was helping Phil decorate this sad excuse of pine tree. It hasn't been lit up yet, but I think Phil is still working on it. Oh and I forgot to mention. It Feels like Christmas here too. It hasn't been the normal 30 degree weather that I enjoy, but an icy 20-28! The only point that I am warm during the whole day, is while am playing volleyball in the sun. And then that disappears after 20 minutes and I'm cold again.. I know you all feel soo soo bad for me in my jeans hoodie AND socks, when its +22 out.
Jeez, it sure looks like I have alot to complain about.. well its the truth but I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't know how I'm ever going to leave my Mexican paradie. On my next post( yes I plan to post again! SOON!) I will try to do less complaining and more telling. Until then hasta luego!