Well once again the slow and laid back way of life has caught me off guard. I haven't written for awhile. My schedule has morphed from a panicked frenzy, to a regular drag, to extremely laid back. I plan my day into these categories.
1. Wake up.. (this is probably the most challenging of the day)
2. School
3. Beach.... ahh nap time :)
4. Shower
5. Be lazy and hang around Paamul....
Yes, your oh so jealous. I kinda find it pathetic that I have to schedule this, otherwise I wouldn't bother... gotta love Mexico.
School is starting to wind to and end. I finished my math course except for the final exam which I am probably exempt from. The last unit in social should be done next week. Then a few last ends to tie up in other subjects.
I am going to be so happy when it is finally over. BEACH EVERYDAY ALL DAY!!! As long as the rain stays away...
I finally went somewhere around here!!! To celebrate Pike and Jamins May birthdays we went to Cenote Azul. It was alot of fun and really cool. Now I mean that in two ways.. cool as in interesting and cool as in FRICKEN FREEZING! If I hadn't just jumped off the cliff to get in the water, I'm not sure if I would've even bothered. There was lots of fish in this hidden jungle paradise, there were even sparkly fish! It was a good day and even though we were in the jungle I managed to get some Sun. I'm looking carmely.
So for all you people who want us to come back. FORGET IT. It is way more relaxed and fun around here in the sun! Besides Sabie and I have decided that Canada's seasons are like this; spring is for 2 weeks, then summer is from middle of June to middle of August, then Autumn for 2 weeks, then WINTER.. Who wants to visit that?
I have definitely turned into a beach bum...