Okay so I promised I would update my blog more regularly and I have a new plan to keep that promise. I will post as regularly as I can but it will not always be a long post. This one might be a little longer because I've had 3 different ideas for posts floating around in my head for the past few days. But of course I haven't had the time to write them.
What have I been doing lately?
School mostly, as usual, lots to learn, not enough time to do it. This past week has been good and bad. It was a long weekend (Yay) and Valentines Day (YAY! ps. thanks for all my treats!). My Dad had to go back to Canada on Tuesday (Boo), but I got to drive home from Cancun (I have mixed feelings about this because topes scare me. Lets just say that I've had too many experiences flying over them when they've gone unnoticed.) When I got home, I got a migraine (boo) and my mom had one the night before. Then I was sick (boo) and didn't have to do school (yay). Got to go to the movies (yay!) Confessions of a Shopaholic (yay! Loved it!) or Loca Por Las Compras if your in Mexico (yay!). Now its just a little more school then the weekend(yay!). But I haven't played any volleyball because of all this (boo). Plus I now am being punished with a cough and runny nose from my indulgence in Valentines sweets (boo!). This didn't happen this week but we did go to see Bride Wars too. It was very good as well, but I liked Loca Por Las Compras better.
I don't know about all of you, but I swear that half my life is wasted on looking for stuff. Looking for keys, lip gloss, pens, books, the left brown flip flop, that pink shirt that I let Sabie wear, which purse is my wallet in? Has anyone seen my head phones?
I admit it I haven't really been looking for all these things but some of them do come up on a regular basis. For example, my lip gloss, a pen, and which purse is my wallet in?
There are two things that I have been looking for, and it has been awhile now and they are still no show. The first is that dang left brown flip flop, I cant find it anywhere. The other thing that is just making me mad is the DVD that Sabie got for Christmas Get Smart. I have looked high and low for that thing. I am completely convinced it is not at our house. So if we have lent it to you and don't remember please let us know! It will save me from insanity. Gracias!
Lately I have been feeling lazy because I haven't been able to play volleyball, and even when I do its not that strenuous of an exercise. Not to mention all of the people who get up and go running to Yan-Ten every morning/day. Can you say GUILT TRIP! I was reading Jamie and Kathy's blog the other day and she has this link to a really cool website about running. On this website is this program called Couch-5K. It looks really interesting. Its a 9 week running plan, that helps you build up strength 3 times a week so you can go from sitting on your couch to running 5K. I want to start and Sabie said she would do it too. It's just a matter of feeling well enough and having my schedule arranged. Having a dog to take with me would be VERY motivating... HINT HINT!