Sunday, December 30, 2007

It's Over

Is anyone else glad Christmas is finally over? I am, I can't wait for the year to be gone and done with. Our very, very green sunny Christmas down in the Caribbean was pretty good, and really relaxed... well mostly. There was still the crazy running around and cleaning, while still trying to find time to lay on the beach. I know hard life right? I can still say I missed our traditional snowy Christmas in Canada though, but no matter how far away from that we are, I think we still always have too much food.

Our pre and after Christmas activities involved mostly lounging around. We went to Tulum and had fun in the waves and the flour soft sand. The neighbors kids and all the ones we had over here made snowflakes to make our palapa seem more Christmasy, and I would have to say, when it got dark and you couldn't see the palm trees any more it felt quite snowy around here. We made Christmas cookies and had lots of treats. I was glad that I had some family here for Christmas as well it made it that much better.

As usual I'm sick after Christmas, probably from lack of sleep, too much excitement and well candy and junk.. lol but hey it tastes good, I just hope I get better soon. It probably wont be till after New years though. I also got really sore from all the volley ball I have been playing but I've taken a break and can't wait to start playing again.

My cousins left today and it's going to be a lot quieter around here. I miss them already. I'm not sure what we are planning on doing for New Years but it probably wont much because we watched Indiana Jones all night last year, which is pretty slack and now we are in Mexico. Well whatever it is I hope it's more fun than the school I'm going to have to start again.. fun fun.

1 comment:

Grandma Buttons said...

Glad we can get the "real story" from you Kelt - keep up the good work!! Love ya.