Tuesday, February 15, 2011
What have I been up to?
After returning to Canada in June I worked for the first time ever at the Calgary Stampede and not only that but I worked in a pizza stand Yes I know, hard to believe but it’s the truth. I t was actually kind of fun except for the part when I’m so longer in love with Pizza. But hey got on to the rides for free :) After working at the stampede I went back to work at Bath and Body Works, I have an addiction...
Another exciting event hat happened was that while I was working I was applying to dental hygiene colleges out in Toronto. Things weren't looking too bright because I had not started applying until later, because we were in Mexico. But a week before one of the schools started I got a call, I was accepted! Well the mad rush began and my mom and I flew out to Toronto 1 day before classes started. School was great, it was allot of work but it was interesting and kept me busy. I moved into a house with another dental hygiene student, things were going good.
And then... things got bad. Turns out that the school that I had applied to didn't have their accreditation, which was NOT what I was told prior to coming out to attend. They reassured us that they would have the papers in December, so I waited, they were very convincing tell us everything would be fine. I was dumb and believed them, even though they gave us a document that we had to sign stating that we may not be eligible to write our board exams. KINDA IMPORTANT.... Once December came around and we had a meeting on the last day we could withdraw from the program without having an academic penalty and lose tuition money, they told us they were denied their accreditation status. Well I was not going to be staying at that school when I would be risking all my time and money. My mom called a whole bunch of schools while I still went to classes on Monday, and before the day was over, I had decided to leave the school.
I had one week to get things organized to attend another school before I left to Mexico for Christmas. I managed to get it all done, and got into the new school which started at the end of January.
We had a good Christmas in Mexico this year, and I certainly appreciated going somewhere warm. Walking and taking the bus everywhere in the snow and cold is not alot of fun... burr... (I’m still cold from this morning’ strip
The next item of business that I needed to attend to when I got home was find a new place to move to. Not only was I getting sick of roommates, but my new school was 2 hours away by subway from the house I was at. I had a hard time finding a place. There were quite a few tiny grimy places, with equally creepy landlords, which put a damper on my mood. School started and for about a month I was making the 2 hour trek every morning for 8 am classes... ick... Once again I am soo not a morning person. Anyways last week I went to see a place on Saturday that looked promising. I saw it; it needed some cleaning but looked good. I made up my mind the following day, and moved in the following Saturday ahahaha wasn’t that fun... I hate moving.
Things are going good however, I like my new place which is ALL my own :) Just me, myself and I! I'm slowly getting things clean and unpacked. School is going good as well, I aced all of my quizzes last week and this week I have another quiz and one midterm, so wish me luck!
I will post some pics of my apartment once I get it all cleaned and organized and pretty.
Hopefully I will be able to post more often now that I have a wonderfully exciting computer classes for a couple hours on Tuesday morning.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So the following week with Cajun food as the menu I packed up my box, the lights, dishes, and my mom's camera, and headed over. Since the kitchen is extremely busy I had to take the pictures in the bathroom, with not enough plugs for lights, and without a tripod (opps) I took these pictures.
Left - Shrimp Gumbo ( note the how the picture is a little blurry... needed the tripod)
Right- Blackened Mahi Mahi

Of course she had a tasty dessert: Chocolate Pecan Tarts
mmMMmmm Good. So not to bad for a first professional, non professional.. umm what do you call it?
Who cares?!? It was fun and I got to eat the food!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Where has the time gone?
Hey now don't get to excited... I can and WILL find other excuses.
Anywho, more updates are coming. You just might have to be REALLY patient if you want to see them!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spring!!! Break??
Last week was pretty good. Wait... I lied... It was bad.
Anytime when you stop eating sugar is bad...Very bad....
I have made it a week though! Hooray for Keltie! With no major cravings I think I might be able to make it until Easter.... I cannot resist the Mini Eggs, I inhale such delectable treats.. mmmm...
... Wow back to Earth...I think I may have just drooled.....
Remember that post I made awhile ago about the couch to 5-K running plan.... Well there is good news and bad news. Good news first ( if you prefer bad new first.... too bad! HA) I make it to the end of week 2. I think. Then I got busy, and have been unable to drag my lazy tired butt out of bed early enough to go. I figured out that If I was to do an hour of Seminary and a hour of Exercise, plus have a shower before scriptures. I need to wake up at 6 am!
Yes.. you read that correctly...6 A FREAKING M! I thought 7:12 was bad. Yes this is the hard sad truth of my life.
So on this so called " Spring Break" guess what time I'm getting up. 6 bloody AM! Yes there is none of that carefree beachy Spring Break for me. Hardcore morning of seminary,exercise, and school. If I get everything done before the sun has ditched for the day.. Believe me, I will be at the beach! In my loverly new BLUE swimsuit. :)
You know how I always post something about my neighbours Phil and Heidi. Well I can't because there not here right now, but their dog is making sure I don't get enough sleep in the morning. Since Phil is not here to let "Lucky" out in the morning at 5 am (YEAH EVEN WORSE THAN 6 AM I KNOW!!!) This dog feels the need to bark.. bark bark bark, until someone lets him out of the trailer. (This is only after he has trashed the joint however) Because no other person in Paamul gets up at 5 am, the dog barks until usually 7 am. Unless My mother or I go let him out. As my mom said," It's a good thing that dog is named Lucky." Yes YES it is, because Im ready to do it in! ( sorry, you would understand if you were me)
Last week Rodolfo started to teach Salsa classes on Wednesday nights at 7. When he told me he needed ideas for how to teach, I showed him good old http://www.youtube.com/ I have created and addict. He is obsessed with 'watching the videos." But that's what happens when you spend your time with the Google Queen. This up coming week, we are teaching salsa turns and some Cumbia dancing. Oh, I forgot... yes "we," "I" being the Assistant teacher... are teaching salsa turns and some cumbia....
We are also planning on going to the beach by Bahia Principe on Monday, its a very fun beach. I will post some pics so you can understand why.
Wow... look at the time.. 9 pm.. and I haven't cleaned my room yet.
The Great Cake Project
So whats new??
Well The Great Cake Project was one of the many things I have done recently that has kept me too busy to blog!
What is the Great Cake Project you ask? Well if you haven't already seen the pictures on my mom's blog or Facebook,let me clue you in...
It all started with bakerella.. I was dying to make a cake creation. My mom's birthday was coming up and it was my parents 18th anniversary and they got married at 18. Plus they had a 3 cake pan set in large,medium,and small at Sorrianna. So it all fell into place.
I made two layers top layers cherry pound cake (same as my parents wedding cake)
and the bottom was a chocolate cake with 2 fresh strawberry custard layers. It took me a week to bake because we have a 1 pan oven, and limited electricity for the toaster/convection oven.
So I baked cakes....
And Then I iced cakes....
Then I put fresh flowers on my cake.
Then we all ate the Cake.. and had so much left over we ate it like 3 times a day for a week... Well I did anyways..
P.S My blog wont let me add anymore big pictures, I am going to try and fix it's problem..
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Red Velvet

Mmm I just had to make this, so following the directions on the site, I created my first masterpiece!
Everyone told me it was delicious and the cream cheese icing was to die for. Oh.. what? You wanted to see a picture of the cake? No. Your okay.
But if you really want to, keep scrolling...
Are you really sure?????
Okay here it is..
Yeah it didn't look so good. I got impatient and didn't wait for the cake to cool, and then the cream cheese icing was all goopie. Plus I didn't add the amount of red food coloring the recipe called for;I just couldn't bring myself to add 2 oz. red food coloring. So it looked kinda purple. Anyways, apparently it tasted good. (I couldn't eat it after I made it) If I make this kind of cake again, I will not use the same recipe, and I will add the right amount of food coloring.
Friday, February 20, 2009
One, Two ,Three, Four, Tell Me That You Love Me More
Okay so I promised I would update my blog more regularly and I have a new plan to keep that promise. I will post as regularly as I can but it will not always be a long post. This one might be a little longer because I've had 3 different ideas for posts floating around in my head for the past few days. But of course I haven't had the time to write them.
What have I been doing lately?
School mostly, as usual, lots to learn, not enough time to do it. This past week has been good and bad. It was a long weekend (Yay) and Valentines Day (YAY! ps. thanks for all my treats!). My Dad had to go back to Canada on Tuesday (Boo), but I got to drive home from Cancun (I have mixed feelings about this because topes scare me. Lets just say that I've had too many experiences flying over them when they've gone unnoticed.) When I got home, I got a migraine (boo) and my mom had one the night before. Then I was sick (boo) and didn't have to do school (yay). Got to go to the movies (yay!) Confessions of a Shopaholic (yay! Loved it!) or Loca Por Las Compras if your in Mexico (yay!). Now its just a little more school then the weekend(yay!). But I haven't played any volleyball because of all this (boo). Plus I now am being punished with a cough and runny nose from my indulgence in Valentines sweets (boo!). This didn't happen this week but we did go to see Bride Wars too. It was very good as well, but I liked Loca Por Las Compras better.
I don't know about all of you, but I swear that half my life is wasted on looking for stuff. Looking for keys, lip gloss, pens, books, the left brown flip flop, that pink shirt that I let Sabie wear, which purse is my wallet in? Has anyone seen my head phones?
I admit it I haven't really been looking for all these things but some of them do come up on a regular basis. For example, my lip gloss, a pen, and which purse is my wallet in?
There are two things that I have been looking for, and it has been awhile now and they are still no show. The first is that dang left brown flip flop, I cant find it anywhere. The other thing that is just making me mad is the DVD that Sabie got for Christmas Get Smart. I have looked high and low for that thing. I am completely convinced it is not at our house. So if we have lent it to you and don't remember please let us know! It will save me from insanity. Gracias!
Lately I have been feeling lazy because I haven't been able to play volleyball, and even when I do its not that strenuous of an exercise. Not to mention all of the people who get up and go running to Yan-Ten every morning/day. Can you say GUILT TRIP! I was reading Jamie and Kathy's blog the other day and she has this link to a really cool website about running. On this website is this program called Couch-5K. It looks really interesting. Its a 9 week running plan, that helps you build up strength 3 times a week so you can go from sitting on your couch to running 5K. I want to start and Sabie said she would do it too. It's just a matter of feeling well enough and having my schedule arranged. Having a dog to take with me would be VERY motivating... HINT HINT!